Monday, May 9, 2011


Hello hello! Welcome to my very first blog post.

My name is Suzannah and I'm generally hung
ry. I am also vegan. Some people believe me to be sexy, but really The Vegan Seductress is simply a persona formed by my dear friend Natalie. Although I have been known to make especially strange noises and faces while luxuriating in a good meal....

I'm a student at Tulane University down in New Orleans, majoring i
n Environmental Studies and International Development with a minor in Business. In my spare time I enjoy hugging trees and doing rain dances. I often have twigs in my hair and smell of patchouli.

Just kidding.

I crave style and delicious food, good music and good friends. I'm constantly looking for ways to live well without sacrificing my conscience. I'd much prefer a shopping spree at Whole Foods to Forever 21, and few things make me happier than putting together a good meal for people I love. I've been vegan for two and a half years after reading Skinny Bitch while bored over winter break my senior year of high school. Until that point I had never really considered what went into the production of my food. Veganism was something for hippies and crazy PETA people. Besides, how harmless could a BLT be? But when I got to the chapters on factory farming and slaughter methods, my eyes unexpectedly welled with tears. I remember how my dog was nestled up by my side as I read, how I could feel the rise and fall with his breaths. I could never eat or torture Ziggy, and just like that I could no longer justify my consumption of animals.

It's been a gastronomic adventure ever since. My mom went vegan with me, and together we've savored gourmet meals and spent hours in the kitchen. My friends still think I'm a little crazy, but if anything I think my rockin' bod says a little something about the health benefits of a vegan diet. Even my dad has started to prefer a veggie burger to a steak.

With this blog I want to show just how simple and delicious a vegan diet can be. I want to show off what I cook and applaud fantastic restaurant meals. This summer I'll also take you with me to Watkins Glen, NY, where I'll be interning at Farm Sanctuary.

Want to see how easy and cheap a filling vegan meal can be? Last night I went over to my friend's dorm to cook up some red beans and rice. We sautéed some onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes in a little olive oil. Added some seasoning, et voilà - improv gumbo. All in one of the crappiest, rinky-dink college kitchens around.

Until next time...

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